So far we have got a dynamic list of sponsors who without their support the event could not go ahead.
Thanks to all of them for providing Prizes & Funding and Advice.
+Newtons shred Shop play a huge part in pulling this event together and without them this event would not exist. Newtons Shred provided the money for the road closure application and will also provide prizes for the winners. Huge thanks to them for everything and risking their money so this event could go forward.
+LONDON LONGBOARDS provided money out of their event fund for the road closure. Thanks to them for the money.
Dangerous Decks will provide prizes and have provided lots of advice. Thanks to them for Guiding the event and giving me pointers and helpful tips and contacts the whole time.
+BTR leathers are providing money towards the event. Thanks to them for their support.
UKSSA have provided advice and guidance especially around getting insurance for the event. Thanks to Sam Gordon for his advice.
For everyone who is feeling Peckish but wants something healthy +9bar are providing a carload of 9 Bars and goodies. everyone should get a bar and you will find they have a Unique taste. #
+vandemmfg Are providing Prizes and have also given me lots of advice and information.
+Rothfink Industries are providing prizes. They make super cool clothes and always feature Amazing cars in their shoots.
+SMD HARDWARE are providing prizes and goodies. Thank you very much.
-Stitched boards are providing shirts and tees. They are a new brand from the south-west with extremely pretty graphics. thank you very much for your support Jamie.
We are still open to sponsors and if you feel you can provide something to make the event better then please get in contact with me on
Thank you to you all for your support
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